Ok, so I am not feeling very communicative today, so this might be a very short blog, solo Dios sabe.
I went out to a mountain community two times in the last two weeks. Now, here is the thing, i work with gravity water systems, so the dam has to be higher than the tank so the water flows downhill, and then the houses below the tank, so again, water flows downhill to the houses. There are pump systems that use a pump to get water out of the ground and into a tank, but i don't do those.
So, we go, and try to verify that the water source was higher than the tank site. we normally do this with a GPS, to get a basic picture, because they are not 100% right. But, on trip one, we find out that the GPSes don't want to get a signal because the source is in a canyon. Then, when i go back with my survey equipment, the townspeople are all about starting at the tank site and surveying to the source. so, we go downhill (not a good sign), then continue going down until we hit the source and they are like, "We're here!" and I get to tell them, "No we are not!" Yeah, whole day wasted.
fun note, as we are working I heard loud booms, and the first time i thought it was thunder. Nope, its the Nicaraguans disarming bombs by exploding them! Now, mother, don't worry, it was several miles from me, its just that sound travels so i could hear it.
ok, really not feeling like typing, and Erin, forgive the typo errors, i don't have the energy to correct them although i know they drive you nuts.