Tuesday, July 21, 2009

more pics- in reverse chronological order as always

Sara´s group, these are her kids and people throwing the balls.
My group, at the end of grounders, I set up an äround the world competition¨of throwing and catching. It got too heated in this group, so the troublemakers are siting down.

Other side of around the world. We were all very happy to see a lot of little girls come out to he try-outs. Women and girls tend to be excluded from a lot of athletic things here.

The batting station aka the popular station.

oops, loaded it twice

overview of some of my kids with the other two groups at once.

Getting ready. S and T are putting on the numbers. Not the greatest pics of S. The older gentleman in the back is a high school gym teacher who has already been priceless to us.

More numbers.

What do you do with that many kids at once?

Pic of aldea.

I love it when the clouds create a ceiling, it makes you think only that valley exists.

During the topo study.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Yippee, I'm finally able to send you a comment. OK, so I'm not the most technically inclined. That aside I am enjoying your blogs. Yes, some are a bit long but I am finding most of them very interesting. Keep up the good work, Aunty Pam