Saturday, January 30, 2010


Last week I went to a gathering of the PCVs in my area. At one point we were talking about someone who had completed their Peace Corps service, and was living in country. It was decided that this person is a little odd, and that led to a comment about how most returned peace corps volunteers are a little odd. One member of our group was a little disturbed to hear this because he is leaving in three months and well, doesn't want to be considered odd when he returns to the States. In the end we decided that only a small fraction of Americans sign up for peace corps. These people sign up for anything. You don't know what you will be doing, where you will be living, even what language you will be speaking. To do this, you kind of have to be a little different. The test will come when I complete my service and if I am still just me, or maybe a little different.


TX_ASK said...

I think PCVs are a little odd. . .they are odd in that they have a more worldy view on life, the enjoy adventure, they have taken a huge leap of faith, they know that life exists outside of our plush environs in advanced societies, they can appreciate small things like hot water and ketchup packets; PCVs have experience that you just can't receive in the US.

Lois said...

Anyone operating outside the very limited "norm" of existence of most folks is considered odd by them. You will never be odd! Weird maybe, but never odd! Love you!