Monday, November 1, 2010


So, write your letters quickly! A friend will be in the States until Nov. 13th and has agreed to shuttle letters (or small packages) back to Honduras. So, write to:

Jill Churchill
c/o Sheila Kragie
2683 Bon Bon Dr.
San Jose, CA 95148

These need to get in BEFORE Nov. 13th. Write fast!

PS. No one has sent me a text yet on the very well displayed tigo website, what´s up with that. I know you all have internet access, since you need it to see this blog!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I am a very bad friend....

I have a box of stuff I wanted to send to your friend, but didn't get to the post office in time :(

I'm going to send it to Honduras directly so hopefully it gets to you!

Or will you be in the States for Christmas again this year? I can send it to your parents house too?