Monday, August 10, 2009

Pics- since the blog was short, here are some pics to keep you entertained

Not sure if I posted this pic before. I couldn´t stand on the ledge because it was slippery and steep, so I used this freshly made stump to keep myself upright. This is called aldea ingenuity.
T and S talking to the baseball team. The second week we had more kids come. There is a lot to explain about baseball and the team, so each practice ends in a meeting to go over business.

I just really liked this picture, the fern is about 20 feet tall, to give you a reference.
My trip to the jungle. It´s amazing the difference in environment here. Some places are dry almost desert-like, others are pine forests which remind me of western US and there are varying degrees of jungle-like areas.

Ok, so if you look to where the two large trees make an X mroe or less in the center, under that there is a large black spot, and it is a monkey. What can I say, I don´t have a national geographic quality camera, which is good because i can drop mine and it doesn´t break.
Not too far from the pic above is this. One of the two barbed wire fences is the border to Nicaragua. I think it is the far one. That is how close we were. I guess this aldea had once planned their water system to pass through nicaragua, because the route was easier, that is how close they live to the border. I was talking to them and they said they cross the border without problems, that the small stores close by accept both currencies. He actually told me it was cheaper for him to go to buy things in nicaragua because its cheaper to get a jalon (hitch-hike) in Nic than in Honduras.

The reception tree. So, most of Honduras has cell phone coverage and signal. This area was a kind of hit or miss place, but this tree had signal. No joke, five feet from the tree you lost the signal.

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