Friday, July 23, 2010


Making wood-burning stoves. Update: the families that have the new stoves are happy to report they use 1/5 to 1/7 of the wood they were using before which saves them money, and protects the environment. With the chimneys, the smoke is leaving the houses and no longer accumulating in their lungs.
Two little chicks! So cute.
Bride prep!

Going to the chapel, and Erin's getting mar-ar-ar-aried!

Make-up time.

Hair stylin'

Gift boxes with chocolates

Manicures and pedicures, too bad we almost drove Erin crazy trying to find the place!

Walking to the restaurant to start the bachelorette party!

View on drive up Tuscon's Mt Lemmon.

Rex, while not getting squished by backpacks.

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